Stop wasting time chasing your exhibitors. Automate!

If you’re tearing your hair out calling and emailing your suppliers, help is at hand. Let’s find out more.
Stop wasting time chasing your exhibitors. Automate!

Organising an event is a mammoth task with so many moving parts. One of the most challenging aspects is keeping track of exhibitors and sponsors. You could have hundreds of exhibitors, sponsors and contractors all working to different deadlines. Of course, they’re all busy people, and from time to time, you need to give them a chase to keep them on track. How do you do it? At least, how do you do it without getting stressed or making enemies of your customers?

The good news is, you don’t have to. Event planning software exists that can do it all for you. With a few clicks, you can automate all your email reminders, freeing up time for yourself and your teams and delivering an ideal customer experience to your exhibitors.

In this article, we’ll tell you more about it.

Why automate your emails?

When you automate your outgoing emails to your exhibitors, you unlock a wide range of benefits.

Firstly, and most importantly, you save time. Think of how long you or your team members spend chasing exhibitors to ensure they meet their deadlines, whether it’s for submitting a design, completing forms, payment or anything else. When you get an automated email system to take emailing off your hands, you get the time back. What would you do with it?

Next, you minimise errors. We’re all human, and we all let things slip through the net sometimes. Suppose someone on your team has a day off, or they’re sick just before a deadline, or they just don’t have time to chase up exhibitors on that day. It can lead to problems further down the line. Automation systems don’t make mistakes. Nor do they take days off.

You can use automated emails to promote your brand and create a better experience for your exhibitors. Look at it this way: What’s better? An email that took you thirty seconds to write asking an exhibitor to submit a design before the deadline and that’s it? Or a well-crafted email (with your company branding) that explains the process and precisely what they need to do to meet the deadline? When you create a positive experience for your exhibitors, they’re more likely to complete the tasks you want them to.

Finally, you can use automated emails to be the ‘bad cop’ to your ‘good cop’. No one likes chasing exhibitors and pushing them to do things, especially when it’s the second or third time you have to do it – and your customers don’t appreciate it either. Instead, you can use automated emails to lay down the law with your exhibitors. Then, when they deal with you personally, you can be friendly and easy-going.

Introducing Eventflow

Eventflow’s fresh approach to exhibitor manuals ensures you never miss another deadline, automating the tasks that take up all your team’s time so you can focus on what you do best. 

One of the features of Eventflow that event organisers love is the intuitive, interactive task list, including fully-automated email chasers. When you set up your exhibitor manual on Eventflow, you create a list of tasks that your exhibitors need to complete, with deadlines. Your exhibitors have a clear reference point, so they can easily find out what they have to do and by when. Even better, the software takes care of all the chasing.

Here's how it works:

  • You select a day of the week to send a weekly reminder email summarising what the exhibitor has to do this week (Much better than endless chaser emails!)
  • Select who receives the email reminders – account owners, outside collaborators (e.g. agencies, stand builders) or both
  • All your emails are fully branded with your logo and brand colours, promoting your event and boosting customer experience

As our client at Goodwood Festival of Speed told us:

‘Eventflow cut the number of daily back-and-forth emails in half.’

Work smarter, not harder

Eventflow’s automated emails help you save time, ensure deadlines are met and create happier team members and exhibitors. However, Eventflow is about so much more than automated emails. It’s an end-to-end digital event manual solution:

  • A single source of event information from start to finish
  • Easy to navigate with everything your exhibitors need in one place
  • Always up-to-date – Make instant changes to your event manual
  • Digital forms – Say goodbye to printed PDFs
  • Fully brandable – Your exhibitors will only see your event branding in the manual, as well as email, images and video

Are you ready to get started with Eventflow?

Contact us for a branded demo today.

Cyclists competing at cycle event

Try for yourself

Fill out the form below to access your online demo. Experience Eventflow as an exhibitor and see why your team and exhibitors will love it. Invite your team members, explore the platform, and reach out when you’re ready!
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